How to Support Mental Health at Work Ebook

The relationship between mental health and work is an important but complicated one, impacting both employee wellbeing and business performance. A whopping 12.7 % of all sickness absence days in the UK are linked to mental health conditions. 

People teams and company leaders must be able to identify signs of stress at work and understand how to talk about mental health at work to support their teams. 

No one understands the importance of this better than Ryan Allen. He is a former class teacher turned podcaster, wellness advocate, speaker and host of the Hey Ryan Podcast. His life mission is to empower people to break free from anxiety and live life with purpose. 

This free eBook, co-written by Ryan and Factorial, explores the topics of stress and mental health awareness and how to deal with anxiety at work. It covers: 

- How do we start talking about anxiety at work?  - What is the solution?  - Decisive leaders can change company culture  - Fun and relaxed workspaces 

Simply fill in your details and we’ll send the free ebook straight to your inbox.

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What is stress awareness?

Stress awareness involves recognising and understanding the factors that contribute to stress, both physical and emotional. It's crucial for individuals to be mindful of stressors and adopt coping mechanisms to maintain overall well-being.

What is stress awareness?

Stress awareness involves recognising and understanding the factors that contribute to stress, both physical and emotional. It's crucial for individuals to be mindful of stressors and adopt coping mechanisms to maintain overall well-being.

How to support mental health at work

The relationship between mental health and work is complex. Supporting mental health at workplace involves creating a positive workplace culture, offering resources like Employee Assistance Programmes, and promoting work-life balance to enhance overall wellbeing. Read our free ebook to learn more! 

How to talk about mental health at work

Discussing mental health at work requires creating a stigma-free environment, encouraging open communication, and providing resources for employees to seek help without fear of judgment.

How to deal with stress at work 

Everyone can benefit from understanding how to deal with stress at work and learning techniques to do so. Managing work-related stress involves adopting healthy coping strategies such as time management, setting boundaries, and practising self-care to prevent burnout and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Identifying signs of stress at work 

Identifying signs of stress at work includes recognising changes in behaviour, productivity, or physical health. Increased absenteeism, irritability, and decreased job satisfaction may indicate underlying stress.

What causes anxiety at work?

Anxiety at work can stem from factors like excessive workload, lack of control, poor communication, or a hostile work environment. Knowing the causes is crucial to understanding how to deal with anxiety at work, and addressing these issues through effective communication and organisational support can mitigate workplace anxiety.