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CEO Network Events and Communities in the UK

3 min read

If you are a CEO, networking is a powerful tool for developing your business knowledge and supporting the growth of the business you lead. If you need help figuring out where to start, we’ve got suggestions for you.

The Power of Networking for CEOs

Networking, where a group of people interact to exchange information professionally, can be a significant source of support, ideas and recommendations. Connecting with people in a similar position in related industries can have a powerful impact on your performance in a role.

These peer connections can be particularly significant for CEOs, who can feel lonely and isolated in their position at the very top of the company. Research for the Harvard Business Review in 2012 found that half of CEOs were lonely in their role and 61% of those thought that it hindered them in their performance. Being part of a networking community can help CEOs by creating relationships with peers they can turn to for advice and psychological support when needed.

We’ve written about how to network here on Factorial previously. In this article, we’re focusing on specific suggestions for networking strategies for CEOs based in the UK.

Being part of a chief executive network can create opportunities for business growth.

Networking Events for CEOs

Some networking events for CEOs are invite-only and not advertised on the Internet. To learn about these types of events, it’s a good idea to reach out to CEOs in your industry or related organisations, suggest meeting for a coffee and ask them how they network. Most people are happy to share their knowledge and help others wanting to connect.

The following are regular events aimed at CEOs:

Business federations such as the Confederation for British Industry (CBI), the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) have busy events calendars that offer opportunities to meet other business leaders. It is a good idea to carefully check the speakers and focus of the event to ensure you will get the chance to meet fellow local CEOs.

Events calendars:

Networking Communities for CEOs

As well as attending events to meet people either in real life or virtually, becoming part of a community that is organised around a professional need can be an excellent way to grow your network.

Professional Bodies

If there is a professional body for your industry, being a member is a natural first step to joining a community which understands and can relate to the world you work in. As a CEO, finding other CEOs within the association should be relatively straightforward due to the smaller number of people in the position. There’s also an opportunity to take on a leadership role which can generate more connections and widen access to your network. The membership secretary of the professional body can usually provide you with further information.


Likewise, spending time on LinkedIn, connecting with other CEOs, posting regularly to raise your own profile and keeping an eye on any events that are advertised on the site is a good way to build and expand your networking community. Specifically, look for peer groups where CEOs from your industry share ideas and insights with each other.

Searching your existing contacts list and reaching out to like-minded people is a good place to start when building your community on LinkedIn.


The following forums focus on connecting with members and supporting CEOs in specific areas:

There are also a large number of Facebook groups which bring together CEOs. Private groups are usually more beneficial than public ones as they typically screen new members and the content and keep it relevant. It’s worth investigating the different groups available and ensuring that you join those most closely aligned to your situation. 

Imogen is a freelance writer specialising in health, travel and people, who loves creating content that is accessible and easy to digest. She is also currently in her second year of retraining to be a children and adolescent therapist. In her spare time, she goes cold water swimming, plays tennis and loves to travel with her family and their dog.

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