What is your organisation’s current internal communications strategy like? If you don’t have one or know that it could be improved, you should start thinking [...]
It can be difficult to execute an effective internal communication strategy in your organisation. Everyone is busy working towards business goals and ensuring their departments [...]
Handling expenses can be time-consuming. Keeping track of what your teams are spending, who needs to give you receipts and who needs to be reimbursed [...]
How do you sign your company documents? Nowadays, companies are more conscious of the environment, and there are more teams working remotely which can complicate [...]
Employee scheduling is one of those tasks that is crucial to ensuring that all shifts are covered, teams get enough breaks and projects are completed [...]
It’s not uncommon for organisations to focus on the onboarding process when they have a new employee join their business, and forget about the team [...]
Picture this: you’ve finished the recruitment process for a new position in your organisation. You’ve written the job description, conducted the interviews, held feedback rounds [...]
Every company has its star members. These are the people that go above and beyond; they work efficiently, put themselves forward for projects, and are [...]
Performance management can be tricky. It’s easy for businesses to make mistakes with their performance management strategies, leading to demotivated team members that don’t know [...]
While we’re all used to performance evaluations, self appraisals are a relatively new part of performance reviews. But using both together can improve your team’s [...]
With today’s rapid expansion and market growth, new positions and opportunities are opening up within organisations all the time. Eventually, if companies want to successfully [...]
Humans are hardwired to desire connection; research proves that interpersonal relationships significantly impact our mental and physical health. Good employee relations mean people within a business feel more [...]