It’s not uncommon for organisations to focus on the onboarding process when they have a new employee join their business, and forget about the team [...]
A survey by HR Magazine found that 18% of new employees fail their probationary period in the UK. The majority of those dismissals during probation [...]
Employee relations refers to the relationships between employers and employees and individual and collective relationships within the body of employees. As you might expect, managing [...]
Whenever I encounter a senior leader or manager at the beginning of their inclusion and diversity journey, they all ask me the same question: what [...]
“Teamwork makes the dream work” may be an over-used cliché, but as with all clichés, there’s truth at its heart. People who collaborate efficiently and [...]
Change is happening at a pace we’ve never seen before, from technological advancements to climate change. But it’s not just us as individuals that need [...]
There appears to be two inter-related, socio-economic challenges that are affecting the workplace: persistent low productivity and the growing levels of poor wellbeing across almost [...]
Employee fatigue can be hard to measure, difficult to talk about and tricky to address within a business context. It can also have wide-ranging implications [...]
Human resources (HR) and talent management are two terms that are intrinsically intertwined but most definitely not the same. In this article, we’ll outline the [...]
Leadership is considered to be the single most important human-capital issue organisations face. Business leaders provide direction and vision to their businesses, and their roles [...]
No minority in history has ever impacted change without the support of the majority. While women aren’t in the minority in the workplace, they are [...]
Many organisations have seen a significant surge in turnover in recent years as a result of the ‘Great Resignation’. Data shows that in the first [...]
Why are Talent Management Practices Important for Startups? Talent management strategy has become increasingly important in the last decade, especially following the pandemic. The labour [...]
Every company has its star members. These are the people that go above and beyond; they work efficiently, put themselves forward for projects, and are [...]
Performance management can be tricky. It’s easy for businesses to make mistakes with their performance management strategies, leading to demotivated team members that don’t know [...]
Talent can mean different things to different businesses. Some use talent to describe their whole workforce, whereas others use it to define a combination of [...]
All organisations will, at some point, need to make changes to their business models to remain viable. Organisational change can vary from relatively small adaptations, [...]
Is there a magic formula for great company culture? We believe the key to having better corporate culture is by putting people first and treating [...]
The hospitality industry has gone through considerable challenges in the last few years. A combination of Brexit and the pandemic have wreaked havoc on the [...]