Factorial is 100% UK GDPR Compliant

Factorial understands the value of HR compliance. Ensure that your company's data is fully UK GDPR compliant and protect sensitive information.

HR Compliance and UK GDPR

Factorial complies with the Data Protection Act and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that we're covering our clients on 3 levels - privacy policy, data access, and information processing. By having a UK Data Protection Officer, we can ensure that the data of our users stays protected and up to date with the latest regulations. So forget Excel and start excelling in your processes!

hr compliance and uk gdpr

Security Certificates and Protocols


All customer data is stored on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers in Germany.
AWS manages the data of millions of users around the world.
AWS data centres have a network designed to protect your information, identity, applications, and devices.
data compliance and security certificates

Data Protection with Factorial


SSO Sign-on Credentials

The SSO system allows users to securely access multiple applications using a single authentication.

Data Encryption

All information and data are all encrypted (AES-256).

Firewall Protection & Diagnostics

All risky connections are blocked thanks to the firewall. On top of that, we perform diagnostics to keep your data secure.

Take Care of Your Team's Data


Factorial guarantees the confidentiality and security of data for companies and employees.
Employee can access their information and exercise their right to withdraw company's access of their information at any time.
The company can keep its employee data secure and up-to-date.
data privacy and security factorial

UK GDPR in Your Organisation

The UK Data Compliance requires organisations to use systems that comply with the UK GDPR, otherwise the fines may amount to 20 million euros. If you still do not use a certified human resources program, contact Factorial and we will explain how to proceed!

data privacy factorial

Start Using Factorial

Factorial is human resources information system (HRIS) is and will remain compliant with the UK GDPR. Start using it today!

factorial and uk gdpr

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