HR Reporting Software
Gain insights into employee performance and productivity with HR analytics tools that empower managers to make data-driven decisions and fuel your company’s growth.

Don't just take our word for it
Hear from one of our 8,000 happy customers about how Factorial has powered their reporting and more.

“We’re very pleased with Factorial. It allows us to manage effectively, report on data, and make sure all of our employees are safe and have the correct information.”

Customise each HR report
Generate reports in a format that suits you using data about your employees.

Spot time and attendance trends
Create HR reports for management using time data, enabling them to make strategic changes to optimise productivity.

Boost performance using insights
Centralise 360° review responses and competency tracking to elevate your performance management strategy.

Compete for top talent
Attract the best candidates with a compensation strategy based on national salary data.
All-in-one HR software
HR reporting tools are just the tip of the iceberg. Manage your team's time, holidays, payroll, performance and more, all from one place, with Factorial.
Get to know all the features available
Improve the management of your business with all the features that Factorial offers you.