Human Resources Mobile App

Thanks to the mobile application, Factorial changes the way you approach your day-to-day HR functions by adjusting to your needs and keeping you up to date with the activity of your company.

hr mobile app - factorial
manage employees through an app

Take advantage of the Factorial HR app

Whether you are an administrator or an employee, download the Factorial mobile application in order to manage the same processes that you carry out from the desktop application. With new and improved functionalities, you'll find the Factorial app is more functional than ever.

Manage remote teams from anywhere
Limit absenteeism
Allow your workers to sign in, request absences, stay up to date with company communication and much more
time tracking app factorial

The most efficient time tracking

Empower your workers to track their own time. The working hours they log on their mobile device will automatically synchronize with the employee portal. They can clock in with:

Learn more about time tracking software→

Clock-in and clock-out button with manual shift editing available
Geolocation system, which notifies administrators where the employee is clocking in from
QR code and application at the entrance
employee management and internal communication factorial

Internal communication: Your team closer than ever

Use the Factorial mobile app to keep your team up-to-date on events, changes, and more.

Learn more about our internal communication tools →

Centralised document management factorial

Centralised document management

Anything you can do while managing documents from your desktop, you can do from your mobile phone.

Learn more about Document Management software

Access all your Factorial documents and folders
Upload, download, edit, share and delete your files
Open images and read documents

Everything you need to manage human resources

Fill the form and boost your HR management with Factorial.

Discover the most powerful and easy to use tool of the market.
Tailored pricing for your needs and goals.
More than 60.000 companies already using Factorial.