Coping Mechanisms for Stress and Anxiety at Work

Nearly one million workers across the nation suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2021/22 according to Labour Force Survey (LFS).

With so much of the UK workforce struggling with stress, mental well-being needs to be at the top of the HR agenda. But how can people teams address such a delicate subject compassionately whilst providing actionable tips and coping mechanisms to help their employees?

Join our panel discussion and discover the answers to all of your questions about how to cope with and how to help your employees cope with stress and anxiety in your workplace.

We're delighted to have experts Amy McKeown, Camilla Rogers and Amy Polly as the speakers for this live event. 

Sign up for the live event by filling in the form to get access!

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About Amy McKeown

Amy McKeown is an award-winning health, mental health and well-being consultant. She coaches organisations of all sizes to build strategies which are both innovative and measurable, whilst providing unique expertise in implementing said strategies. Amy is also a respected thought leader within her field, sharing her advice regularly on LinkedIn and at speaker events such as Mad World.

Amy McKeown

About Camilla Rogers

Camilla is the Founder of fifty50 Coaching and her passion is to help HR leaders, CEOs and Founders create a mentally fit workplace. She has experienced first-hand the impact of a fast-paced, intense career path, and witnessed similar journeys of peers, clients and colleagues, which led her to see a gap in the market for a tailored and preventative approach to workplace mental fitness; one that helps employers to better understand their people and their needs.

The mission of fifty50 is to push well-being and mental fitness support firmly to the top of the workplace agenda. Their vision is for a world where employers value mental fitness in the same way they do physical fitness.

Camilla Rogers

About Amy Polly

Amy Polly (aka The Mindfulness Rebel) is a mindfulness teacher as well as a mental health and neurodiversity speaker, advocate and campaigner. She has a varied background as a leader in the corporate world of finance, a strategic lead for mental health and well-being in the fire service, a volunteer at her local mental health charity, and supporting schools, colleges and businesses with her inclusive and accessible approach to mindfulness.

Amy Polly