
Access our library of tools and templates to help you in your business.
Monthly Timesheet Template

Monthly Timesheet Template

Using our time and attendance template is the most basic way to track employees working hours.
Performance Improvement Plan Template

Performance Improvement Plan Template

This free tool lets you easily create an action plan to improve employee performance. Plus, you can customise this Excel template to suit your PIP needs.
Career Plan Template

Career Plan Template

Download our free career plan template to help your employees prepare for their future career.
Self Assessment Template

Self Assessment Template

Give your employees this free Self Assessment template to work on their career progression.
Recruitment Dashboard Template

Recruitment Dashboard Template

This free recruitment dashboard template will help you make sure that your recruitment practices are on point.
Attrition Rate Calculator

Attrition Rate Calculator

Attrition rate represents the rate at which employees leave an organisation over a specific period. Calculate attrition rate easily with this template.
One-on-One Meeting Template

One-on-One Meeting Template

Our free, customisable one-on-one meeting agenda template includes tips, structure and example questions to help you get the most out of your catch-ups.

Company Organisation Chart Template

Download our free Company Organisation Chart template, customise it to suit your team and get greater transparency over the chain of command!
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Calculator

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Calculator

This FTE Calculator template helps you quickly calculate your company's FTE to indicate your organisation's productive capacity.
Active Listening Checklist

Active Listening Checklist

This infographic on active listening provides you with a visual checklist on active listening which you can use for performance reviews, salary negotiations, 1 on 1s, and to be a great leader to your team.
Growth Mindset Assessment

Download your free Growth Mindset Assessment

Take our growth mindset assessment to analyse whether you have a fixed mindset or growth mindset. This is also a great test to give to your employees, as adopting a growth mindset has been proven to improve employee motivation, development and work relationships.
Job design checklist

Download your free job design checklist

Job design is a popular HR strategy. It redefines and optimises employees' roles and responsibilities, making their jobs more varied and therefore more interesting, thus improving employee motivation and productivity.