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IndeedPublish job postings and recruit top talent with our Indeed integration.
JOINSimplify your hiring process and reach a broader audience.
BreezyAutomatically create accounts for new hires
WorkableSave time by automatically creating accounts for new hires
TeamtailorAutomatically sync candidate information from Teamtailor’s ATS to Factorial to streamline your onboarding
RecruiteeAutomatically import your hired candidate’s data from Recruitee’s ATS to Factorial to streamline your onboarding
IdealDiscSend candidates a DISC test and see results in Factorial
WhatsApp with CandidatesTalk to candidates through Whatsapp
LinkedInEnhance your talent acquisition process with LinkedIn.
PippletAssess candidates' language proficiency, in 40+ languages
RefappSeamlessly perform informative reference checks on each candidate
InfoJobsSimplify recruitment by connecting job seekers with employers.